
Showing posts from September, 2017

A Young Father

"Struggle is real" the common phrase we heard in different circles. In any field either in family, schools, workplace and church ministry, we are not excuse of this. Having a child is a gift from above, but behind is the responsibility that must to do. Struggle is real for me. Literally I got out from my comfort zone. I slept  like a chicken, every now and then I woke up just to feed my baby with milk and hold her to sleep again. The eight hours sleep i enjoyed before is now a dream for me. I used to change diaper, dress-up, and learned to take a bath my baby. I do this things not because of duty but out of love. I love my child that's why I need to sacrifice and do this things in exchange to my luxury. Sleep is luxury for me. Being a young father I learned to develop patience and sense of ownership. It  deepens my understanding of love. The unconditional love of a father to his child. Love will bear good fruits such as patience, responsibility, and ownership. W...

Joy Amidst The Storm

Its easy to be out of joy in hard times. Dealing with finances, broken relationships, fighting for sickness, aiming for promotion, it seems the whole earth is above you. From my previous writings, we knew that our God is a good father he hold us and no one can snatch us from his mighty hand. In God's family we are under the protection of the Almighty, the creator of heaven, earth and universe. The most powerful and loving father. Dwelling on problems for a long time can lose your joy. Matthew 6:27 says; Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Worrying is not beneficial to us, it will only rob your joy and can add stress and baggage to your life. Free of those things it can slow down you from reaching your destiny, life is short do not waste your time and energy on it. The Scripture says; Consider it as pure joy whenever we face trials of many kinds, it is a testing of our faith that produces perseverance. Life is a journey and we need to persever...

Uniquely Created

We are so much valuable than animals, birds on the air, fish in the sea and all other creation. Almost 9 years in the field of Forensic my understanding of who we are grow deeper. I was given the chance to specialize the science of fingerprint. He made me realize how special we are, above all creation. We are uniquely created, aside from, we are created in his image and likeness, we also have unique fingerprint. No two persons have the same fingerprint even twins. God patiently gave us different personal identification. Imagine, How many people around world? It is so amazing how our creator distinguish us through fingerprint. Even if you have the same face or body structure, but still we can identify your real identity. We are so special in the sight of God. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. God bestowed us different gifts and talents for a purpose. Not everyone will become teachers, farmer, minister, police officer and many more. Each of us has a unique profession which...

Adopted Sons

Galatians 3:26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. It is given whether you like it or not, we will enjoy the blessings as His sons. But there's more behind that, we should also develop sense of ownership of the things which God entrusted to us. God gave us talents and gifts, let us use this things for the good of everybody, an act pleasing to our Father. As a son, be a good steward of ourselves, our body is the temple of God, let us take care of it. His sons are designed to be a light to darkness. Being a light are doing the will of the Father. In the Scripture Jesus Christ teaches us many things about this. Matthew 12 "For whoever does the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother." Children of God are sons of light. Wherever you are right now God has a purpose on it. We can be a light to darkness. The environment of darkness will become an environment of light. Crooked generation can be a family of God. ...

From Glory To Glory

"Children grow, develop, and become everything in a nurturing and loving environment, not in a harsh and critical environment." The Scripture described the Pharisees as hypocrites! The one who rejected, mocked and persecuted Christ. They are religious performing in the public just to please by men. Some says they are the best example of lip service. They knows the law but without executing it by love. In today's generation, are there any Pharisee-likeness rather than Christ-likeness? Pharisees is full of anger but Christ is full of love, reflecting the unconditional love of the Father. He came not for the righteous, but for the sinners. Jesus wants simplicity, he said "love". Our service to God and to others should be driven by love. Love others as yourself and everything follows. Only through love we can reach to moral excellence. God showed to us his great love. The Scripture told us he is our maker and potter. Like a pot, little by little he will m...