Joy Amidst The Storm

Its easy to be out of joy in hard times. Dealing with finances, broken relationships, fighting for sickness, aiming for promotion, it seems the whole earth is above you.

From my previous writings, we knew that our God is a good father he hold us and no one can snatch us from his mighty hand. In God's family we are under the protection of the Almighty, the creator of heaven, earth and universe. The most powerful and loving father.

Dwelling on problems for a long time can lose your joy. Matthew 6:27 says; Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Worrying is not beneficial to us, it will only rob your joy and can add stress and baggage to your life. Free of those things it can slow down you from reaching your destiny, life is short do not waste your time and energy on it.

The Scripture says; Consider it as pure joy whenever we face trials of many kinds, it is a testing of our faith that produces perseverance. Life is a journey and we need to persevere. God does not promise us a life without difficulties but he gave us strength to overcome every obstacles. The Scripture says "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light", there is no problems we cannot control and surpass, He breath into us and equip us everything what we need to survive.

Encountering hard times is like a spiritual exercise that develops our spiritual muscle. From infancy to maturity. Walking through the hardships will make us a strong one. We need to undergo all those shaping process to reshape our mind and polish our attitude. There is no problem we cannot carry. Every time we face trial it's an opportunity to grow and develop. Stay focus to your destiny, a famous song tells "there is always a rainbow after the rain." Rain is temporary, it only passes by and stop, also problems are temporary and it cannot stop where we're headed for. Our destiny is awaiting for us keep fighting the good fight of faith.

Don't run out with joy! Keep the joy amidst the storm of life. Make a difference!

Jesus said; "So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy."


  1. I'f the Lions come we don't need to be a lamb. We should be like David, a lion slayer and a giant killer. However, David did not become a strong warrior in just a night. He went through the process of learning as a shepherd boy, somehow insignificant and low class job than to be in the royal army with attached fame and name. However it was in this low moment David learned to fully trust the Father, that by His own ability winning is impossible. He has the skill and training, but its the Father's power could him defeat his enemies. So what I would like to point out, is when the Father is placing you in those hard moments, don't lost the grip, He is training you to be His Navy seal. You are going to come out strong and confident in His power. So when the battle hour comes, you are ready, not only saved yourself but to save your families and nation.

    1. Amen! do not loss the grip, thanks for the powerful message, God bless our family and nation.


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