Uniquely Created

We are so much valuable than animals, birds on the air, fish in the sea and all other creation.

Almost 9 years in the field of Forensic my understanding of who we are grow deeper. I was given the chance to specialize the science of fingerprint. He made me realize how special we are, above all creation. We are uniquely created, aside from, we are created in his image and likeness, we also have unique fingerprint. No two persons have the same fingerprint even twins. God patiently gave us different personal identification. Imagine, How many people around world? It is so amazing how our creator distinguish us through fingerprint. Even if you have the same face or body structure, but still we can identify your real identity. We are so special in the sight of God. We are fearfully and wonderfully made.

God bestowed us different gifts and talents for a purpose. Not everyone will become teachers, farmer, minister, police officer and many more. Each of us has a unique profession which already part of the blueprint of our Potter. Each skills is important to accomplish a purpose. Just like building a house, different parts but each part belong to the same house. No one will say i am better than you, the joy of one part is the joy of everybody. If one part was lost it will make the whole house incomplete.

Everyone should function in accordance to his skills, talent and gifts. It's not competition but it's doing your part and giving your best what God designed and wants you to fulfill. For the good of everybody, each one of us should be responsible enough in using the blessings that bestowed in us.

Everyone should focus of oneself abilities. Even though we have no connection with each other but by being a good steward of it, we can create a harmonious environment, beyond diversity, unity is possible.

Amidst of crisis and absence of peace. Everyone should look back our beginning, the only one who created us, our Creator. We all came from one source, we all have a common DNA. Let us realize how he treated us and this treatment should reflect in ourselves on how we treat others.

Different personalities and identification, but the same God who created us.


  1. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:4
    my fingerprints are the matrix of God's love
    And the triad of His greatness.


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