From Glory To Glory

"Children grow, develop, and become everything in a nurturing and loving environment, not in a harsh and critical environment."

The Scripture described the Pharisees as hypocrites! The one who rejected, mocked and persecuted Christ. They are religious performing in the public just to please by men. Some says they are the best example of lip service. They knows the law but without executing it by love. In today's generation, are there any Pharisee-likeness rather than Christ-likeness? Pharisees is full of anger but Christ is full of love, reflecting the unconditional love of the Father. He came not for the righteous, but for the sinners.

Jesus wants simplicity, he said "love". Our service to God and to others should be driven by love. Love others as yourself and everything follows. Only through love we can reach to moral excellence.

God showed to us his great love. The Scripture told us he is our maker and potter. Like a pot, little by little he will mold us into perfection. He is our best potter Who is patient in molding us to become a useful pot. Since life is a journey, it will not happen overnight. Like a plant we will experience watering and pruning for us to grow to be a good plant. He will provide a rain and minerals for us to become a tree and bear good fruits. The Scripture also told us he is our great shepherd, he will guide us to a right way, defend and rescue us from the hands of the enemy.

God deals us differently, he has a unique design for each one of us. No one should think, he is better than others. We cannot grab his glory, who you are or where you are right now, is a product of his love. Before you are saved you are a sinner. You must be compassionate to the sinners, because you are one of them before, you are saved by grace and dependent on God's love. Lead them to the cross, our Father in heaven is waiting for them to be part of his family, through faith in Jesus. Love also your brothers and sisters in Christ, we are God's family. If someone is fall down pick him up, and encourage to start a new life. Everybody deserve a second chance. Care Instead of accusing. Our Father is waiting for them to come home. We are loved to love others.

How many times in a day we dishonor God? Lust of the flesh and eyes, adultery and murder in mind, judging people, useless talks, discriminating people, no word of honor, cheating, doing things which supposed to be done. How many of us perfected the law? Did you pray everyday? Read the bible and meditate it day and night? Are you giving your tithes religiously? Are you forgiving? Did you help the needy? and many more.What I'm trying to say, no one is perfect enough, either you considered it as little or big, it's still a sin. No one is bold enough to say I am the perfect one! Jesus said, "Pick up a stone, and throw it to this imperfect one!" No one did it, even the Pharisees. Believers should be reflectors of God's grace. Let us treat others as we take care of ourselves.

From glory to glory he will change us, until the Holy Spirit is fully controlling us. He will make it to completion what he started in us. We will grow and grow in his unending love everyday and forever.


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