Your Real Mentality

A slave is different to a son. Slave thinks differently, speaks differently, and acts differently.

A slave is a slave to his thinking. His action is limited to his position. A slave is living in fear and complacency. He thinks he already reached his limit. A slave is always a slave, unless he will renew his mind. While a son is always a son. No matter what.

Israelites are being slave for many many years, but God rescued and bless them. He revealed to them their destination, the land full of milk and honey. A good father will not think bad for his children.

Psalms 103:5 (NLT) He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle's!

David a man after God's own heart mentioned it. Speaking words of praise to God and declaring who is God to his life. God will also fill his children with good things.

As a son, life is too short to dwell on negative things that pull us down. David said this verse that bad things has no room in our life. It is the plan of God to fill us with good things. So, empty out jealousy, self-pity and insecurities. Worry will make you look old even if your young. Stressed life will shorten more your life. You can be old but young in heart and spirit. That was the declaration of King David his secret for wellness, claiming what God has planted on Him.

A son's attitude is full of faith, energy, and joy. Bitterness are infectious, it will grab your joy and your purpose. Empty out of worry and God will fill you with joy. Empty yourself with anger and God will fill you with love.

Perhaps some will say I'm just a human, that was impossible to do. It is impossible for a man but with God, all things are possible. Do not put God in a box. God has ways that you're never thought. You have no capacity to control His plan and stop His love to you. If He wants to bless He will bless you. He gave us life and and He wants us to live it to the full. Sooner or later His promises will become a reality to your life. Keep the faith.

A son is positive thinkers because he is secured knowing his Father in heaven is gracious and full of compassion. A great preacher says; "When you grow in a dysfunctional environment its easy to be a negative. Earthly father may not treat you right, but our heavenly father takes good pleasure in giving you what man cannot provide."

We can develop a slave mentality in the environment without love, you can be a slave to your past mistakes, pain, and depression. Be free! You're circumstances does not own you, you're not captive of any suffering. The love of the Father is like a river, it always flows and we cannot contain it. It should also felt in God's family as a universal believers of Christ. In this environment full of love we can develop a real love to Him and real compassion to others. As a son soaked with the love of God, have no time to judge and discriminate other people, that's not our purpose. Free yourselves from slave mentality, embrace your real design, a son mentality!.


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