
Showing posts from 2017

Mess Into Greatness

                                  The history of our country was not good. We are colonized by other countries like Japan, America, and Spain. Our people suffered from this colonizers- rape, killings, stealing properties, and more. Spaniards brought Christianity with the hidden agenda and wrong motive. Some says we inherited the values of the Spaniards, and hoping we can erase it in our past. Some blame Spaniards of our poor economy, by embracing their culture “bahala na” and comparing us to other progressive countries. One question came into my mind, What if we were colonized by other countries? Specifically those who promote and support terrorism, like beheading humans, bombings, injustice killings and violence. Killing people and other terror attacks, like ambush and suicide bombings. Whether you believe it or not! It is not acceptable in our standard of morality. It has no moral ascendancy to...

Ups & Downs

We all have mistakes, failures, and frustration. No one is excuse from this. There are things we dont understand but sometimes God ordained it for us to grow, to go to the next level. Are you living in fear, regret, self-pity, or anger? Does your past always visits your mind? Say goodbye to your history and start living to your destiny. Some says I dont want to follow Christ because it’s not easy. What comes into my mind, either you are believers or not, life here on earth is not easy. Problem comes like a thief of the night when you do not know. Maybe you are happy now and later you’re sad. That’s the reality of life there are a lot of up’s and down’s. Life is not bed of roses, but it does’nt mean you will live like a loser. It seems there’s no room of hapiness and your face is always sad. Don’t live like a victim. You are design to be happy, full of hope and love. We are secured to Jesus. The Fathers love keep protecting us. Life may not good to you now, but t...

Our Value Is In Him

Most of the time I rely on what people might say. It just like I am living to please them for them to accept me as a person. Every time I will do or I did something I need them to validate me. It seems my value depends on them. Instead of living free, your life may become miserable and complicated. Thanks to the Father by the conviction of His Spirit, I am reassured that my value is in Him. He is my Father, I am his child. I am the child of the most high God, the creator of the universe. No amount of anything can de-value me. Im not saying you were going to neglect fellowship, what I am trying to say do not depend your value to someone else, with or without them, you are still valuable and no one can ever take that away from you. As a son I am under the protection of my heavenly loving Father. The enemy trying to de-value me, someone will say I'm not good, I'm not talented, I'm not attracted, but my Father says I am precious to His eyes, I am His masterpiece, I am ...

Unseen Realms

Ephesians 6:12  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Today war between nation is rampant. Some are literal war using heavy canons, fighter planes, brave soldiers and more. War also inside the government, opposition against administration. It seems war has no ending. There are more war that are not visible in our eyes but happening in reality.  Life is a battle. Each one of us experienced everyday battle. Whether in family, in your studies, relationship and business. The enemy trying to break your family. If we are not aware of this maybe he will accomplish his mission. Some instances he is trying to pull down your business, disturb your studies, and break your commitment. These are some examples of unseen battle in us that happens everyday of our life. The enemy comes to steal and destroy, but the ...

Earthly Fear

What are your fears of today? Fear of rejection? Fear of losing? Maybe you are a student and your fear is not to pass your subjects? Perhaps you are a single and you fear to be alone? Or you are businessman and you fear to be bankrupt? There are many fear in this world that always keep us from reaching where God wanted you to be. Most of the time fear were being used by the enemy, for you not to succeed in life. This is the reason why many people didn't want to excel and trying their best to reach their maximum potential. Some are tired and lazy in pursuing their passion and being complacent of what they have right now and not trying their best to increase. Fear is like a giant block, for you not see the other side of your life. Two thousand years ago, earthly fear are defeated. Fear has no more power, to control and captive us. We are free from the bondage of fear. If you think you are a slave to fear then absolutely you are very wrong. From my previous writing entitle...

A Young Father

"Struggle is real" the common phrase we heard in different circles. In any field either in family, schools, workplace and church ministry, we are not excuse of this. Having a child is a gift from above, but behind is the responsibility that must to do. Struggle is real for me. Literally I got out from my comfort zone. I slept  like a chicken, every now and then I woke up just to feed my baby with milk and hold her to sleep again. The eight hours sleep i enjoyed before is now a dream for me. I used to change diaper, dress-up, and learned to take a bath my baby. I do this things not because of duty but out of love. I love my child that's why I need to sacrifice and do this things in exchange to my luxury. Sleep is luxury for me. Being a young father I learned to develop patience and sense of ownership. It  deepens my understanding of love. The unconditional love of a father to his child. Love will bear good fruits such as patience, responsibility, and ownership. W...

Joy Amidst The Storm

Its easy to be out of joy in hard times. Dealing with finances, broken relationships, fighting for sickness, aiming for promotion, it seems the whole earth is above you. From my previous writings, we knew that our God is a good father he hold us and no one can snatch us from his mighty hand. In God's family we are under the protection of the Almighty, the creator of heaven, earth and universe. The most powerful and loving father. Dwelling on problems for a long time can lose your joy. Matthew 6:27 says; Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Worrying is not beneficial to us, it will only rob your joy and can add stress and baggage to your life. Free of those things it can slow down you from reaching your destiny, life is short do not waste your time and energy on it. The Scripture says; Consider it as pure joy whenever we face trials of many kinds, it is a testing of our faith that produces perseverance. Life is a journey and we need to persever...

Uniquely Created

We are so much valuable than animals, birds on the air, fish in the sea and all other creation. Almost 9 years in the field of Forensic my understanding of who we are grow deeper. I was given the chance to specialize the science of fingerprint. He made me realize how special we are, above all creation. We are uniquely created, aside from, we are created in his image and likeness, we also have unique fingerprint. No two persons have the same fingerprint even twins. God patiently gave us different personal identification. Imagine, How many people around world? It is so amazing how our creator distinguish us through fingerprint. Even if you have the same face or body structure, but still we can identify your real identity. We are so special in the sight of God. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. God bestowed us different gifts and talents for a purpose. Not everyone will become teachers, farmer, minister, police officer and many more. Each of us has a unique profession which...

Adopted Sons

Galatians 3:26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. It is given whether you like it or not, we will enjoy the blessings as His sons. But there's more behind that, we should also develop sense of ownership of the things which God entrusted to us. God gave us talents and gifts, let us use this things for the good of everybody, an act pleasing to our Father. As a son, be a good steward of ourselves, our body is the temple of God, let us take care of it. His sons are designed to be a light to darkness. Being a light are doing the will of the Father. In the Scripture Jesus Christ teaches us many things about this. Matthew 12 "For whoever does the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother." Children of God are sons of light. Wherever you are right now God has a purpose on it. We can be a light to darkness. The environment of darkness will become an environment of light. Crooked generation can be a family of God. ...

From Glory To Glory

"Children grow, develop, and become everything in a nurturing and loving environment, not in a harsh and critical environment." The Scripture described the Pharisees as hypocrites! The one who rejected, mocked and persecuted Christ. They are religious performing in the public just to please by men. Some says they are the best example of lip service. They knows the law but without executing it by love. In today's generation, are there any Pharisee-likeness rather than Christ-likeness? Pharisees is full of anger but Christ is full of love, reflecting the unconditional love of the Father. He came not for the righteous, but for the sinners. Jesus wants simplicity, he said "love". Our service to God and to others should be driven by love. Love others as yourself and everything follows. Only through love we can reach to moral excellence. God showed to us his great love. The Scripture told us he is our maker and potter. Like a pot, little by little he will m...

Your Real Mentality

A slave is different to a son. Slave thinks differently, speaks differently, and acts differently. A slave is a slave to his thinking. His action is limited to his position. A slave is living in fear and complacency. He thinks he already reached his limit. A slave is always a slave, unless he will renew his mind. While a son is always a son. No matter what. Israelites are being slave for many many years, but God rescued and bless them. He revealed to them their destination, the land full of milk and honey. A good father will not think bad for his children. Psalms 103:5 (NLT) He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle's! David a man after God's own heart mentioned it. Speaking words of praise to God and declaring who is God to his life. God will also fill his children with good things. As a son, life is too short to dwell on negative things that pull us down. David said this verse that bad things has no room in our life. It is the plan o...

Memories in Japan

"Japan" When will I see you again? Sometime in 2014, God allowed me to visit Japan. Clean and organized country. In Tokyo where I stayed everything is cemented and maximized every area. I observed the silence of the night in residential areas, I think everyone took the chance to rest after a long day of work, a good discipline and example to follow. Bending machines are along the streets, offering bottled water and some drinks. I was amazed of their engineering structure and technology, advanced one, compared to us. I experienced to ride the bullet train where we passed by the center of mountains, amazing!. During the trip I saw the popular Mount Fuji of Japan, and some beautiful views. Going there must have a tour guide. Train is the main transportation of Japan. Its very hard and miserable for first timers to travel there especially when you get lost, aside from many many trains underground, most people there, don't know how to speak english. It's better for...

Honeymoon in China

                                       China, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a unitary sovereign state in East Asia which is the world's most populous country, with a population of over 1.381 billion. Covering approximately 9.6 million square kilometres (3.7 million square miles), it is the world's second-largest state by land area and third- or fourth-largest by total area.[i] Governed by the Communist Party of China, it exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four direct-controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing) and the Special Administrative RegionsHong Kong and Macau, also claiming sovereignty over Taiwan. China is a great power and a major regional power within Asia, and has been characterized as a potential superpower. - Wikipedia My wife and I spent our honeymoon in China for five days and fou...

Obstacles Are For You

No one is excuse from experiencing problems. It is part of life's package. Whether in family, relationships, business, work, studies and ministries.  Before I reached this position right now. I've  passed through many tests in life. Overcome difficulties. Completed all the trainings. Endured the hardships. Accepted the pain. Embraced loneliness. Got out from my comfort zone. Way back 2008, from September to December I processed my application. We are required to be present everyday. A waste of time and money, but I had still follow. I used to woke up early, not to get late, travelled more than an hour everyday going to the camp, and another more than an hour, going back to the house of my sister, where I stayed during my application. And it came to pass, we were delivered to the training camp. Woke up early everyday, doing exercise and reshaping my mentality. I've got to celebrate Christmas even if i was away from my family. Not allowed to use cellphone an...

Total Freedom

 Do you feel alone and lonely? Are you hopeless? Do you enjoy the state of complacency? Do you feel you're not growing in faith and attitude? Do you feel there something holding you not to reach your dreams? Hold on, I have a good news for you. Israelite's became slaves in Egypt, but because of the love of the Father, He chose these people and freed them from slavery by using Moses. God rescued them. God performed miracles, and let them crossed the red sea. But behind of that, their thoughts are afraid to be chase and catch-up again by Pharaoh. Their hearts are still captive by fear in spite of miracles they experienced. Just like a runaway slave without peace, joy, and contentment, but it is not the wonderful plan of God. He offered us a total freedom. He wants us to rule over our fear. Total freedom is in Christ. He overcomes slavery. All kinds of suffering, poverty, rejection, persecution, mockery, carried the cross, nailed, hanged, and even death. He said ...

Kadayawan 2017

Every year the people of Davao celebrated Kadayawan Festival. Composed of eleven tribes from different areas of the region. It has a lot of activities such as "Hiyas ng Kadayawan" showcasing the beauties of tribes, "Indak-Indak sa Kadalanan" a tribal street dance performed by group of energetic students from different schools, Floral Parade, Kaondayawan and many more. Local and foreign visitors will really enjoy this event. Below are some of our pictures during the event. Inside the 5 star hotel, Marco Polo. We rested for a while and taking pictures, together with my wife and her friends. Situated at the heart of Davao City. Most of the artist and prominent figures stayed here. Along the streets, you can find Kadayawan souvenirs. San Pedro Street, Davao City near the City Hall. Rescuers were line-up along the streets ready for any untoward incidents. Inside Marco Polo Hotel, Me and my wifey. "Kaondayawan" kaon mea...

Hongkong 2017

A man-made island where the largest international airport situated. Viewing from the top inside a cable car. Lantau Island, Hongkong. Together with my family. I asked someone, a foreigner tourist to take us picture along the 200 steps going to Giant Buddha.  At the entrance of Disneyland. It was my wife's third time to visit here and it's my first. Amazing!. At our back is the Disneyland Castle. Meet and Greet Princess Belle. About 8 pm people gathered beside the street to watch "Disney in the Stars". About to ride the cable car at Ngong Ping. Incoming and Outgoing cable cars.   I'd seen this painting along the street of Ngong Ping. Jackie Chan And Bruce Lee. Touch me not I have a bodyguard at the back.   Nice view at bay walk formerly Avenue of the Stars. At last meeting legendary Bruce Lee at the Garden of Stars.

You Don't Have To Retaliate

Human as we are it is very hard to forgive and love your enemies. For 32 years of existence I've encountered different kinds of people. Different perception, different attitude, and different goals in life. There are some instance in life when you are good to them but in return they act otherwise, gossips, and making things that can pull you down. Well that's the reality of life. One day, I tried to listen to this preacher in you tube. I was encouraged to have a positive attitude and it changed the way i think. "You don't have to change their mind, you don't have to prove that they are wrong. God is our defender. God is our vindicator. God will fight and win the battle. God will prepare a table in the presence of your enemies." - Joel Osteen What a strong message from the word of God it supports to what our Lord Jesus Christ said, love your neighbor as yourself and also love your enemies. Luke 6:27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemi...